Long back I dual booted my system, installed ubuntu alongside windows. But while removing the same instead of safe removing the OS I deleted the partition in which I had Ubuntu.

Now since then whenever my computer starts it loads the ubuntu grub loader program

enter image description here

I need to manually change the boot option to windows every time I start my computer.

enter image description here

I tried changing the default to windows, but I don't know why its resetting the option to Ubuntu every time.

enter image description here

How do I make windows the default option also is there any way to delete this ubuntu grub loader?

  • On the Boot Option Menu you have pressed enter to change the order? The reason the UEFI boot order is reverting is likely due to the boot option setting. You could try editing BCD but without experience in doing so you risk doing something incorrectly and it's not easily explained.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Aug 31, 2021 at 13:32

1 Answer 1


In Windows, open Command Prompt as an Administrator. Run this

bcdedit /enum firmware

Make note of the identifer value for the entry with a path value of /EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi (or grubx64.efi) and a description value of ubuntu.

Delete that boot entry:

bcdedit /delete {identifier-for-ubuntu-goes-here}

For further cleanup, delete Grub files: (this is optional)

mountvol S: /s
rd S:\EFI\ubuntu /s /q

Reboot to test it.

Source : u/funbike

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