MS Edge How to use command+D to Select the URL in the address bar to edit

MS Edge use


to Save your current tab as a favorite. Which I don't use it. But its cmd+D is near

However, the universal 'Open Location' shortcut is Cmd ⌘ L

Is there uncomplicated way to make it work?

I use macOS with mac keyboard

ref. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/keyboard-shortcuts-in-microsoft-edge-50d3edab-30d9-c7e4-21ce-37fe2713cfad


1 Answer 1


The universal 'Open Location' shortcut is Cmd ⌘ L
The universal command for 'Bookmark This Page' is Cmd ⌘ D
The wording may change slightly between browsers, but all use the same commands.

This applies to Safari, Chrome, Firefox & Edge.
Chrome is the same as all the others in this respect. To have Cmd ⌘ D as Open Location, you must have already changed this, as below.

You can change these either globally or on a per app basis in System Prefs > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts but only if you can exactly match the wording in the menu. Safari & Chrome use the same text, Firefox doesn't have them as menu items so can't be changed, Edge uses different wording so would need to be set up separately.

  • 2
    +1 For noticing it was Mac not Windows. Commented Aug 14, 2021 at 8:51

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