I am using the free version of ProtonVPN on my Windows 10 Laptop. I connect the laptop to the internet using Wifi from Cable Internet.

My ProtonVPN is configured for split tunneling - Only the Brave Browser on my laptop is to use the VPN & all other applications would be excluded from the VPN tunnel.

Proton VPN Settings

I have 2 problems

  1. My problem is that my native connection (the one that is used by the other browsers) behaves differently when my VPN tunnel is on. This is an occasional problem doesn't happen all time. I am unable to reach several sites on my other browsers (unable to connect to the site). If I shut down the VPN, the same sites now start opening through my excluded browsers. Sometimes just shutting down the VPN works, sometimes, I also need to run "ipconfig /renew" before it starts working - even this is not foolproof, sometimes it just doesn't work for a long time.

  2. When I startup my ProtonVPN, while it's connecting to the VPN server & tunneling my laptop has now internet connection till the time it's done establishing the tunnel. No other browser (the ones excluded from the VPN) can connect to anything till then.

The 2nd issue is not a big one (it's just for a few seconds usually), I mentioned it just in can help in trouble shooting the issue. But the 1st one is almost making me consider giving up using VPN at all.

Are there any solutions for this?

  • Maybe not a solution, but have you added an IP address in this window?
    – pbies
    Commented Aug 15, 2021 at 19:57
  • @pbies - What do you mean "added an IP address in this window"?
    – user93353
    Commented Aug 16, 2021 at 3:05
  • You have IP addresses in the lower right corner.
    – pbies
    Commented Aug 16, 2021 at 3:21
  • @pbies - Lower right hand corner of which window?
    – user93353
    Commented Aug 16, 2021 at 4:50
  • The one you have given screenshot of.
    – pbies
    Commented Aug 16, 2021 at 11:19

1 Answer 1


According to many reports, split tunneling on ProtonVPN is very buggy and has been so since this feature was introduced in 2018.

Some example posts:

According to the reports, the technical implementation of ProtonVPN weirdly works for some applications but fails in several ways for others. I have seen reports where regressions in ProtonVPN were fixed by downgrading to a previous version (not recommended), and others where the poster fixed the problem by switching to another VPN product (such as ExpressVPN).

The original 2018 announcement by ProtonVPN of split tunneling said:

Since this feature is new to our services, feel free to report any bugs and issues that you encounter to our support team here.

That's about all that you can do: File a bug report with the ProtonVPN team, and if the answer is unsatisfactory then switch to another product.

(The people that answer on this site don't have the ability to fix bugs in ProtonVPN.)


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