I want to get the download speed of a online file.

In Linux, I can use the following command:

wget https://www.sample.com/myfile.exe

which will report the average download speed after the download is completed, as below:

2021-08-05 21:23:50 (108 MB/s) - ‘myfile.exe.41’ saved [12878248/12878248]

In Windows 7, with Chrome or FireFox, during the download progress, I can see the download speed. But after the download, there will no report of the average download speed. Is there a way to get such a value? Or are there any other tools or methods that can do that in Windows, other than find a Dos version of wget?

  • Windows 10 includes the curl command. curl -o myfile.exe https://www.sample.com/myfile.exe. The console output info includes the average download speed.
    – Aenfa
    Commented Aug 5, 2021 at 22:00
  • @Aenfa, Curl is not a command in windows, it's an executable: .exe. Commented Aug 5, 2021 at 22:08


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