I am trying to wipe all the deleted data out of my laptop using cipher command on Window 8. When I use cipher /w:C, the folder efstmpwp is created in C drive, which supports the cipher process. But when I use cipher /w:D, this folder is still created in C drive, not D. Why is this happening?

2 Answers 2


C is usually the main partition of a Windows installation. As almost everything system related is located on that drive/partition, it's only natural for the cipher service to locate it's temporary files there. As far as i'm aware, there is also no flag/command to change this behaviour.

Hope that explains it :)

  • If the temporary file is in C, how is it possible for cipher to use this file to wipe the data in D? Do you mean that D and C are actually different partitions of the same disk? Commented Aug 4, 2021 at 14:32

You need to put a colon after the D. So:

Cipher /w:D:
  • 1
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