I've linked to my business Dropbox on my Mac which already had my personal Dropbox installed. I can easily access both my Dropbox (Personal) and Dropbox (Business-name) from the Finder.

At the command line (in .zsh), doing an ls I see the following:

  • Dropbox (listed in purple),
  • Dropbox (Personal),
  • Dropbox (Business-name)

If I cd Dropbox it brings me inside my personal Dropbox but pwd gives /Users/username/Dropbox not /Users/username/Dropbox (Personal), which is great. I would like to change this such that cd Dropbox brings me inside my business Dropbox instead though.

I can cd into my business account with cd "Dropbox (Business-name)" but would prefer to not have to do it that way for a number of reasons.

I haven't tried uninstalling and then reinstalling my personal Dropbox yet, that may switch the default command line Dropbox to the business account. If there isn't a better method I'll give this a try.

  • How about cd 'drag folder to terminal'
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Jul 20, 2021 at 16:36

1 Answer 1


I figured this out. It is possible to point the symlink (purple Dropbox folder) to the business Dropbox folder instead by using this command:

ln -hfs "/Users/username/Dropbox (Business-name)" Dropbox

Now I can simply cd Dropbox which contains the content of my business Dropbox, and a pwd gives /Users/username/Dropbox.

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