In the menu that is opened by clicking on the blue star icon that appears near your URL bar when you have a page bookmarked, there is no option to edit the URL of said bookmark. This is annoying when you only wish to make a minor change to the bookmark, such as changing example.com/page-1 to example.com/page-2. Is there any way to make this menu display the URL of your bookmark? I feel like Firefox used to be able to do this in much older versions.

The menu in question

I had hoped that a userChrome.css fix would do the trick. I found the below online, but it seems to have had no effect.

/* Add option to edit bookmark URLs under blue star menu */
#editBMPanel_locationRow, #editBMPanel_keywordRow {
  visibility: visible !important;

This question expresses a similar frustration, but does not insist on modifying the menu that I've screenshotted above. I only want solutions that modify said menu.

It appears that my current userChrome.css file may be of relevance. Here it is

/*@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");*/
@namespace xul "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";
@namespace html "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
    margin-left: 0 !important;
    margin-right: 0 !important;
    padding-right: 0 !important;
    padding-left: 0 !important; 
toolbarbutton.bookmark-item .toolbarbutton-text{
    display: none !important;
toolbarbutton.bookmark-item .toolbarbutton-icon{
    margin-left: 2px !important;
#PlacesToolbarItems > .bookmark-item > .toolbarbutton-icon[label]:not([label=""]) {
    margin-inline-end: 2px !important;
toolbarbutton.subviewbutton.subviewbutton-iconic .toolbarbutton-text{
    display: -moz-box !important;
/* --- [1] --- */
toolbarbutton.bookmark-item:hover:not(.subviewbutton):not([disabled="true"]):not([open]) .toolbarbutton-text{
    display: -moz-box !important;
/* Hide Giant Thumbnail and Favicon */
*|div#editBookmarkPanelFaviconContainer {
  display: none !important;

/* fix right click menu disappearing on highlighted text */
*#contentAreaContextMenu { margin: 12px 0 0 12px };

/* Add option to edit bookmark URLs under blue star menu */
#editBMPanel_locationRow, #editBMPanel_keywordRow {
  visibility: visible !important;

1 Answer 1


Works for me (on latest FF 98.0.2).

Are you sure you put the userChrome.css file to the right place, in a folder called "chrome" inside your profile folder. Note that the "chrome" folder does not exist in default installations, it's only used for customization, so you must create it.

For example:

You can find the correct folder by typing about:support in your URL bar and clicking "Open Folder" under the "Profile Folder" category.

You probably also need to have the xul and html tags in the file, like this:

/* userChrome.css */

@namespace xul "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";
@namespace html "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";

/* Add option to edit bookmark URLs under blue star menu */
#editBMPanel_locationRow {
  visibility: visible !important;

You also need to set the configuration option
toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets = true
in about:config to allow userChrome.css to function.

Or just extract this zip file to your profile folder: https://gist.github.com/anzz1/980102da101505b8bc03e46d54f778fe/archive/3ab4d55882bd0b72828c9d3c880bb7b6ba387cbb.zip

It contains the userChrome.css style file and user.js to set the config option for you.

EDIT I forgot about the last part, which should fix the problem of configuration not applying. After applying userChrome.css and user.js, go to about:support and select "Clear Startup Cache" option. After that, restart your Firefox twice.

  • I'm afraid I'm out of ideas then, as it works fine for me... Maybe nuke the whole profile and do a clean reinstall? Tbh that is indeed a nuclear option. If you want to troubleshoot instead, I would start by searching for any random theme which uses a userChrome.css and trying that, to see whether the problem is that if userChrome.css style gets applied at all or is it something else.
    – anzz1
    Commented Apr 6, 2022 at 19:05
  • You're on to something. Replacing my current userChrome.css with yours makes your modifications work. There's clearly something in my original file (see the question) that's incompatible with yours.
    – J. Mini
    Commented Apr 9, 2022 at 10:09

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