I encountered a problem with a Windows 10 Enterprise system which is executing local GUI based programs executed on a logged-in local user account. This local user-profile is accessed from multiple computers with different monitors, some high-dpi, some not.

If I connect to that system using a PC with high-dpi monitor and screen scaling those settings are applied onto the user-session on the RDP connected machine as well.

Later if you connect to such a session using a PC with a non-high-dpi monitor (and thus scaling at 100%) the connected RDP session is not reset which ends up in all texts to be very small and next to unreadable.

Is there a way to "reset" the display scaling settings of an active RDP connection (without log-off and re-logon the remote user)?

The regular way to change scaling is blocked inside an RDP connection...

The RDP "server" is Windows 10 Enterprise 21H1, the clients 20H2.

  • Maybe this might help although the thread is from 2016. Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 13:03
  • If you're connecting to only a few servers, you could save the connection details in a .rdp file, including resolution. You then start the connection by executing the file.
    – harrymc
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 18:12


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