When I create a style in Word, the font size of the style gets set to whatever the font size of the text I've selected is. e.g. if I create a style while 13pt text is selected, the new style text will start with 13pt.

Is there a way to make it so that the style only applies the other properties and does not change font size?

e.g. A style to make something bold, underlined and colored red will be a different font size if I apply it to text that is of font size 14, and to that of font size 11. (i.e. stays that font size in both cases instead of always going to a particular font size)

1 Answer 1


A paragraph style will always have a size element. A character style need not.

A character style will be based on the default paragraph font with any changes that you make in the create style dialog.

screenshot of style dialog

The default when you open the dialog is to create a paragraph style, but when you change it to character style, the size and font both blank out. You can add a particular font and size if you want.

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