I am attempting to recover old System Restore points on a Windows 10 install. I am looking specifically for files that may have been stored in the AppData directory and I need to know whether or not System Restore affects these files

2 Answers 2


System Restore may affect files in the AppData directory. This is determined by the extension-part of the file-name.

See the Microsoft article Monitored File Name Extensions.

  • Ah. This explains why System Restore didn't restore my Chrome history that consists of a "History" file that has no extension 🤷‍♀️
    – David.P
    Commented Mar 10, 2023 at 8:25
  • Ah, damn, I came here to restore my Chrome History too. damn it. why didn't chrome put a valid restorable extension on there filenames. or why didn't Microsoft add the Chrome stuff too.
    – hamish
    Commented Jun 21, 2023 at 3:21

System Restore will save exact files for the time of which the restore point is made. This includes files in the AppData directory.

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