Hope everyone is safe during these times! I have a Dell Optiplex 3060 Micro Form Factor. I changed the BIOS settings to what I know it should be for a Linux installation - disable Secure Boot, disable Fast Boot, change from Legacy Boot to UEFI boot, enable AHCI. I;m installing Manjaro KDE 21.0.4 using Ventoy USB bootable drive. I used the Calamares GUI installer and set up manual partitioning as follows:

-- /dev/sda (OCZ 120GB SSD on SATA port 0):
   512 Mb , fat32     , /boot/efi , flags = boot (no esp option in Calamares)
   103 Gb , ext4      , /         , flags = root
   8 Gb   , linuxswap ,           , flags = swap

-- /dev/sdb (Hynix 256GB M.2 SSD on SATA port 1):
   256 Gb , ext4      , /home

My BIOS is configured as per the images below:

Boot Sequence: Boot Sequence Advanced Boot Options: Advanced Boot Options UEFI Boot Path Security: UEFI Boot Path Security Drives - I don't know why the M.2 SSD is shown under SATA-1 and not 'M.2 PCIe SSD-0': Drives UEFI Capsule Firmware Updates: UEFI Capsule Firmware Updates Secure Boot Enable: Secure Boot Enable Fastboot: Fastboot Boot options (F12) after restart: Boot options after restart I've tried twice now, once using the OCZ SSD as the installation destination, and the Hynix M.2 SSD as the other.

Upon restart, the Dell POSTS into a memory test and thereafter states that it cannot find a partition to boot from.

Please enlighten me if there is anything I have done incorrectly, or if anyone lese has had similar issues. Apologies for the long post. Thanks in advance!

1 Answer 1


Nevermind, facepalm moment. I figured out what the problem was. Should've tried it before posting here. However, for anyone interested, the problem appeared to be the Ventoy utility. I created a new USB bootable drive using Rufus (DD Mode), followed the same steps as my outlined in my original post, an everything now works 100%.

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