The OS of my local computer is MacOS (Catalina) and I want to transfer files to and from a remote server using FileZilla. I have to connect to a computer which sits in a protected subnet, so it's only reachable via a gateway.

I can establish a connection to the gateway computer via SSH with userID1 and password1, and from there I can connect to the desired computer with userID2 and password2:

Local computer (macOS)
   | ssh [email protected] 
Gateway (Ubuntu)
   | ssh [email protected] 
Target (Ubuntu)

I also can create both connections in one command:

ssh -t [email protected] ssh [email protected]

This works fine, but how can I use FileZilla to copy or move files between the local computer (macOS) and the target (Ubuntu)?

I've found some similar questions, but none of them answers my question:

1 Answer 1


You can do the same what the other questions do on Windows even on MacOS.

Just use OpenSSH ssh instead of PuTTY. The ssh takes similar parameters as PuTTY.

So you can do something like this:

ssh -L 3111:target.protected.machine:22 [email protected] 

And then use FileZilla to connect to localhost:3111 using credentials for target.protected.machine.


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