I've installed docker 20.10.6 and 1.21.0 on centos linux 7 OS machine and when I run below command I get error

docker-compose -f multiconnect-compose.yml up -d


    Creating network "prod_default" with the default driver
Pulling waweb (docker.whatsapp.biz/web:v2.33.4)...
v2.33.4: Pulling from web
5d3b2c2d21bb: Pulling fs layer
3fc2062ea667: Pulling fs layer
75adf526d75b: Pulling fs layer
83b1bcf5f7c2: Waiting
52b2ced8e9f5: Waiting
6c5be97e59f3: Waiting
bcc722031b67: Waiting
39e5291c3f7a: Waiting
9173dcbad33a: Waiting
a05d1d198795: Waiting
821a900ced2b: Waiting
7616e062595d: Waiting
1ac1f78dc01d: Waiting
3a8b47c3081b: Waiting
e74bc18a6a58: Waiting
65a44e8d2760: Waiting
b14b2ce40262: Waiting
f95b4c881786: Waiting
ERROR: error pulling image configuration: error parsing HTTP 403 response body: invalid character 'F' looking for beginning of value: "Forbidden!"

I can't find the problem and I'm stuck now. any help would be appreciated.

1 Answer 1


The Docker registry docker.whatsapp.biz is (or rather was) backed by JFrog Bintray. Bintray however is shutting down and is no longer accessible for non-paying customers since May 1st.

You'll have to contact WhatsApp or Facebook about this.

  • We are not a non-paying customer and it was working fine a day ago
    – Ammar
    Commented May 13, 2021 at 10:18
  • I very much doubt you are the owner of the docker.whatsapp.biz registry. So again: Contact WhatsApp/Facebook.
    – Daniel B
    Commented May 14, 2021 at 9:29

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