[Win 10 Home, 64-bit, Build 20H2, fully updated + MS Office +...]

I just updated NVidia GeForce experience to V3.22.0.32 and it has provided/updated the in-game overlay that uses a number of keyboard shortcuts commonly used by other applications (e.g. Alt +F8, Alt+F11 in Excel).

NVidia GeForce experience steals them: I realised this when Alt+F11 etc. no longer worked in Excel and recalled that NVidia was updated just last night.

By going into Settings for the ing-name overlay and hitting spacebar for each selected NVidia keyboard shortcut I was able to set them all (except Alt-Z to open the overlay!) to None and so restored the functionality of all my other apps.

Apart from being absolutely appalling behaviour on NVidia's part - for which they should be loudly rebuked - it raises this important question for future reference in cases where the culprit is not so obvious:

how can one identify what program is stealing/eating/consuming keyboard shortcuts?

(NB the overlay can be disabled in GeForce settings, under General, but something changed without my permission - either it was enabled by the update or keyboard theft was added to an enabled overlay; either way it was NVidia's fault)


1 Answer 1


Posting this as solution for further issues. All credits go to Dr. Moishe Pippik and Hans-Peter Störr

Application confirmed by OP to be working on Windows 10: HotKey Detective (Git)

Find out what process registered a global hotkey? (Windows API).

  • -1 because the warning is misapplied: HotKey Explorer is not reliable > Win 8; I am already using HotKey Detective on Win 10 successfully, Commented May 6, 2021 at 21:26
  • Thanks for the feedback. Updated the answer to confirm it working on Win 10.
    – telometto
    Commented May 6, 2021 at 21:37

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