I installed https://www.msys2.org/ and setup an ssh server for it. With this I can connect to my machine and work remotely. The problem is that some application as Visual Studio tools or windows specific cmd.exe programs cannot run from a bash.exe shell. Then, I nest a cmd.exe shell inside my bash.exe shell to run these applications (I also use winpty.exe for mapping the input arrow keys https://github.com/rprichard/winpty).

The problem with this setup is that accentuated letters are displayed as _, for example, running the command cp -h, I triggered an error which showed a message where the word informações was displayed as informa___oes:

enter image description here

I am not sure why this is happening. I know my cmd.exe console uses the encoding 850 because when I run chcp in a new shell, it outputs 850. I tried changing its value to 1252 and 65001, but it keeps showing accented letters as _:

enter image description here

I searched for this 850 encoding and I found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_850, where it is called as DOS Latin 1. Would this problem be fixed if I set my bash encoding to DOS Latin 1 before I nest a cmd.exe command prompt inside it? How could I set my bash.exe encoding to this CP 850 or DOS Latin 1 encoding?


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