I've been trying to change the icons of my code files (e.g. .c, .cpp, .js, .lua, etc.) and I've been having a super annoying problem:

Because I use VSCode, all the icons are grouped together (VSCode by default uses this one icon for all the files) and if I use the registry editor or any other programs, changing one changes all of them and I can't figure out how to separate them.

Any ideas?

Here is what my main folder looks like now. It's maddening:

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


The article File and Folder Icons in VS Code! lists the icon themes in VScode.

The File Icon Theme can be changed from the File > Preferences menu or the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P). Perhaps the Seti Icon Theme will be a better fit for you.

If the built-in icon themes are not enough, there also exist extensions such as the free vscode-icons or file-icons.

For changing the icon used by a file extension in Windows Explorer, you could use the free utility FileTypesMan, which allows changing every aspect of a file-type.

If you would rather do it manually in the registry, see:

  • Yes, but how do I make it work with file explorer? Still the default icon (or the one I changed it to) Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 21:35
  • I see that Explorer is the problem. I wonder if setting Preferences: File Icon Theme to None might help. Or perhaps "explorer.decorations.badges": false. But I added in my answer a part about changing Windows icon associations for a file-type.
    – harrymc
    Commented Apr 15, 2021 at 8:54

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