I got a new machine; installed the latest Filezilla (3.50.0). Now I can't make the new version connect to my web site.

Meanwhile, my old machine's Filezilla ( still connects without a problem.

Both machines are simultaneously going through Wifi to the same Xfinity router, so I can't believe that it is part of the problem.

Things tried:

  • Wizard -- I tried a few times with random failures.
  • Obvious connections, that I thought should work. Result below
  • Copied configuration from old machine. No better. Same result, below.


Status: Resolving address of rjweb.org
Status: Connecting to 67.xxx.xxx.25:21...
Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Disconnected from server

What has changed? Is there some new setting that is getting in the way? Etc.


traceroute to rjweb.org (, 64 hops max
  1  3.788ms  3.548ms  4.201ms 
  2  13.678ms  13.653ms  13.964ms 
 12  160.754ms  98.743ms  97.254ms 
 13  96.906ms  96.977ms  97.913ms 
root@snuc-NUC9i7QNX:/var/log# nc -v 21
root@snuc-NUC9i7QNX:/var/log# nc -v 80
Connection to 80 port [tcp/http] succeeded!
root@snuc-NUC9i7QNX:/var/log# ufw status
Status: inactive
root@snuc-NUC9i7QNX:/var/log# ufw disable
Firewall stopped and disabled on system startup
root@snuc-NUC9i7QNX:/var/log# ufw status
Status: inactive

(nc seemed to hang.)

  • Is it possible that your new machine firewall is blocking certain outbound connections? Try using FileZilla to connect to a host using another protocol (like sftp) and also try using your web browser to connect to an FTP site on port 21.
    – Quetza
    Commented Mar 15, 2021 at 13:18
  • @Quetza - (I am quite ignorant of ufw.) utf status says Status: inactive. It's ubuntu 20.04.
    – Rick James
    Commented Mar 15, 2021 at 16:54
  • I'm not sure if you mean ufw status, but try ufw disable. Also try nc -v 67.xxx.xxx.25 21 to see if you can connect. Is there another service (like a webserver on port 80 or 443) on the same server that you can test against?
    – Quetza
    Commented Mar 16, 2021 at 20:32


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