Recently I had problems with a laptop (tried to solve them in a previous thread). I managed to remove HDD and replace it with another one from another old laptop.

While trying to put in the last screw of the back of the laptop, I noticed that the newly mounted HDD was probably a millimeter or 2 higher than the original one.

I thought that while it may be impractical to have a little bump at the back, but I needed to check out whether the replacement helped or not. When tried to switch on the laptop, it showed no sign of power. I thought that it took me few minutes to replace, so maybe the battery is low and I just plugged it in and powered it on. It started booting, but when I tried to type in credentials I found out that the keyboard is not working at all.

Later I found out that while during startup caps lock flashes once, but then seems dead - I think this implies, that the keyboard is plugged in correctly and is alright. Also after few tries, I can proclaim that the laptop won't start booting or anything unless plugged in outlet.

Can anybody help?

As commenters suggested checking out the ribbon cable, I append photo of it’s current state - I don’t see anything wrong right there, but feel free to correct me


  • It sounds to me like the keyboard ribbon cable is dislodged/partially dislodged. Try reopening the laptop, remove and reseating it. A caps lock key flashing is not, in my eyes, evidence a keyboard is properly plugged in.
    – davidgo
    Commented Apr 7, 2021 at 14:11
  • @davidgo already tried to check whether it's properly connected and everything seemed ok to me
    – maklmor
    Commented Apr 7, 2021 at 15:49
  • Check keyboard ribbon cable for damage, especially at the places where it bends.
    – dmmedia
    Commented Apr 26, 2021 at 11:02
  • @dmmedia as ive mentioned earlier, it look okay to me, but even in the case its damaged- could it be the reason why my laptop boots up only while plugged in power?
    – maklmor
    Commented Apr 26, 2021 at 11:04
  • Laptop mainboard may consist of several subboards. Check that all boards have proper connections. Might it be that the board controlling battery and keyboard was disconnected and left unnoticed?
    – dmmedia
    Commented Apr 26, 2021 at 11:07


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