i have a win 10 with 2 mapped drives. one is mapped to another win 10 share drive, and the other to a samba share on Ubuntu server. This setup has worked well for the past 5 years plus. Last week, i suddenly started loosing my samba share every time i restart or reboot win 10. So, i have to delete the samba connection and remap it all over again.

After many attempts to fix this, i have found out that if i delete my win 10 mapped drive altogether, then my samba mapped drive works fine. i could restart/reboot win 10 without any affect on it.

Anybody have an idea how to fix this so both maps can co-exist?

  • Maybe a drive letter collision?
    – Moab
    Commented Mar 25, 2021 at 22:54
  • Letter collision is not the issue...i checked, one is on Y the other on Z. plus if i remap the ntfs drive share when the samba is already mapped, the samba share would stop working. Commented Mar 27, 2021 at 21:24


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