I'm running Windows Server 2012 with File Server Resource Manager role. We have two tasks configured to remove stale files on a X drive. This week I started to see the errors below in Windows Application Logs

8235 - File Server Resource Manager failed to initialize the volume scanner.
12311 - Shadow copy creation failed for volume 'X:' with error 0x8004532c, A volume shadow copy could not be created or was unexpectedly deleted.

In FSRM console I find the Last Result message: Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004532C

X volume does not have Shadow Copies enabled, but D drive does. Since FSRM documentation and google haven't been of much help, does anyone have a clue on why FSRM is throwing Shadow Copy errors related to a volume that is not Shadow Copy enabled? How does FSRM uses Shadow Copies for the tasks?

  • Please add to your post the output of the command vssadmin list shadowstorage.
    – harrymc
    Commented Feb 9, 2021 at 14:50
  • Thanks but I'm interested in understanding how FSRM uses Shadow Copies for tasks, not to troubleshoot the shadow copy service Commented Feb 10, 2021 at 7:23

1 Answer 1


So after some troubleshooting I found that the first step when the task run is to create a snapshot, which I assume uses Shadow Copy service.Expire task initializing

Looking into the Windows Event Log for FSRM and Shadow Copy errors, I found:

  • Application
    • [Source: SRMSVC] - 8235 - File Server Resource Manager failed to initialize the volume scanner
    • [Source: SRMSVC] - 12311 - Shadow copy creation failed for volume 'X:' with error 0x8004231f. The volume might be configured with inadequate shadow copy storage area. Storage reports may be temporarily unavailable for this volume.
  • System
    • [Source: volsnap] - 39 - When preparing a new volume shadow copy for volume X:, the shadow copy storage on volume D: could not be located in non-critical space. Consider using a shadow copy storage volume that does not have any shadow copies.

I had already seen error 39 related to a vss writer timing out while scanning a volume. Checking the status of vss writers using vssadmin list writers output

Writer name: 'FSRM Writer'
Writer Id: {12ce4370-5bb7-4c58-a76a-e5d5097e3674}
Writer Instance Id: {e337e6ed-be6b-4020-a209-34a3066785a0}
State: [5] Waiting for completion
Last error: No error

Restarting the File Service Resource Manager service cleared the status of the writer

Writer name: 'FSRM Writer'
Writer Id: {12ce4370-5bb7-4c58-a76a-e5d5097e3674}
Writer Instance Id: {e337e6ed-be6b-4020-a209-34a3066785a0}
State: [1] Stable Last error: No error

After this the task ran without issues, BUT, the writer vss FSRM Writer was left in [5] Waiting for completion state, which still needs to be investigated.

Long story short, FSRM uses Shadow Copies to create snapshots in its initialization phase.

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