My HyperV VM fails to start since it cannot find its avhdx file; which should be merged AFAIK.
How do I get HyperV(?) to understand that the avhdx file has been merged?

I had a virtual machine Foss06 with 2 files. Foss06.vhdx and Foss06_A1EBE5BC-A1E2-4169-B799-E3AAAA9B73D0.avhdx
I merged the avhdx file through the HyperV GUI. (instructions)
Now I cannot start Foss06 any more but instead get a

The application encountered an error while attempting to change the state of 'Foss06'.

'Foss06' failed to start.

Synthetic SCSI Controller (Instance ID 815FD6A9-8FD9-4DEA-9D1C-22E4F58A2CC5): Failed to Power on with Error 'The system cannot find the file specified.'.

Attachment 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\Foss06_04F4F225-DC4A-4A1B-AEEE-3897A293FE1B.avhdx' could not be found due to error: 'The system cannot find the file specified.'.

[Expanded Information] 'Foss06' failed to start. (Virtual machine ID 4885E72F-2780-4114-AF12-1FAB26973AE8)

'Foss06' Synthetic SCSI Controller (Instance ID 815FD6A9-8FD9-4DEA-9D1C-22E4F58A2CC5): Failed to Power on with Error 'The system cannot find the file specified.' (0x80070002). (Virtual machine ID 4885E72F-2780-4114-AF12-1FAB26973AE8)

'Foss06': Attachment 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\Foss06_04F4F225-DC4A-4A1B-AEEE-3897A293FE1B.avhdx' could not be found due to error: 'The system cannot find the file specified.' (0x80070002). (Virtual machine ID 4885E72F-2780-4114-AF12-1FAB26973AE8)

1 Answer 1


I noticed the HyperV GUI pointed to a avhdx file.
Connect...->...Hard drive->Browse...

I and pointed it at the vhdx file instead. (maybe I did an Inspect, can't remember)
It tried to create a checkpoint, failed, threw up a dialogue about naming, and failed; so I just pressed continue. Now my VM starts.

(Caveat: I wouldn't hack around like I did in a production environment, but as I am just experimenting with development machines it felt safe enough.)

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