In this registry path:


there is a key with this value:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"  --single-argument %1

What's the use of: --single-argument %1

is this simply a place holder? is it ok to remove it or replace it with a commandline switch?

1 Answer 1


Concerning %1 :

%1 represent the file used as param of the msedge command. So basically it's your "MSEdgHTM" file. If you remove it, open a MSEdgeHTM file will just open msedge.exe without opening the file inside it.

Concerning --single-argument :

Msedge is chromium based, you can find information about this argument directly in chromium source code :

The single-argument switch prevents unexpected parsing of arguments from other software that cannot be trusted to escape double quotes when substituting into a placeholder (e.g., "%1" placeholders populated by the Windows shell).

So it's purpose is to be sure that the next argument (%1) will be interpreted correctly as a single argument.

It's probably better to keep it.

  • 1
    Just to say this explicitly for clarity: --single-argument is passed to the Edge executable literally.
    – gronostaj
    Commented Jan 27, 2021 at 10:11
  • Thank you, but what is a "MSEdgHTM" file? I've never come across a file with that extension. could you elaborate on that please?
    – Sam
    Commented Jan 27, 2021 at 18:47
  • MSEdgeHTM is not an extension but a file type. You can get the associated extension of this file type by using the cmd command assoc | find "MSEdgeHTM"
    – S. Brottes
    Commented Jan 28, 2021 at 7:35

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