I have a spreadsheet where column A lists the days of a month (1-Jan, 2-Jan, ...), column B lists the corresponding days of the week (Fr, Sa, Su, Mo, ...), and column C contains various notes that can be "holiday" or "vacation". I want to compute in a cell the (index of) the last "working" day of the month (i.e., the last week day in the month that is not a holiday or vacation day).

If I wanted to simply find the last Friday in the month I could do:

LOOKUP(2,1/ ($B$2:$B$32<>"Fr")),ROW($B$2:$B$32))-1))

To get multiple days of the week, I can "OR" together multiple vector-scalar comparisons using addition:

LOOKUP(2,1/ (($B$2:$B$32="Mo")+...+($B$2:$B$32="Fr")),ROW($B$2:$B$32))-1))

To add the constrain that they can't be holidays or vacation days, I can "AND" this together with more comparisons using multiplication:

LOOKUP(2,1/ ((($B$2:$B$32="Mo")+...+($B$2:$B$32="Fr"))*(($C$2:$C$32<>"holiday")*($C$2:$C$32<>"vacation"))),ROW($B$2:$B$32))-1))

This works but is very large and unwieldy. Is there a way to do this more elegantly that compares each vector only once to a list, something like the following?

LOOKUP(2,1/ (IN($B$2:$B$32, {"Mo","Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr"})*NOTIN($C$2:$C$32, {"holiday","vacation"})),ROW($B$2:$B$32))-1))
  • 1
    Are column A actual dates? If so you can do (WEEKDAY($A$2:$A$32,2)<6) for the week day test. Commented Jan 4, 2021 at 14:58
  • Yes, column A contains dates . Your suggestion simplified the formula considerably. Thanks!
    – shankar2k
    Commented Jan 4, 2021 at 15:50
  • what version of Excel? Commented Jan 4, 2021 at 17:21

1 Answer 1


Assuming data similar to:

enter image description here

The following formulas should return the last working day of the month:



earlier versions without FILTER function


The formulas use the WORKDAY function and, starting with the first of the next month, subtract one (1) workday. The WORKDAY function automatically ignores weekends, and has a HOLIDAYS argument to skip those, also.

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