So I'm trying to figure out how to play from my selection of .wav files for a single notification on windows sounds. Windows will only accept .wav but it needs to be at random from my folder.

I was thinking maybe I could use a dummy .wav file that runs a Self-extracting archive that contains a script for it. But I have no idea on how to disguise the zip file as a wav file.

I've read there are different binder softwares but I'm trying to avoid them.

1 Answer 1


Are you selecting the .wav file to be played via registry?

You could go about it from the other way around:

You can open a script instead of the .wav file, and let the script choose a random .wav file to play (but you'd have play this file in the background, i imagine).

Or, you can execute a script that selects a random .wav file from your list and renames it to the file to be played - either when the notification appears if that's possible, or you can periodically rename random files.

  • I don't think i can do the former. The latter is doable but how do i create a service that listens for a notification sound? Commented Jan 4, 2021 at 10:19
  • How are you selecting the wav to be played in the first place? I didn't have in mind listening to notification sounds - I thought about executing a script before playing a .wav file when the notification appears.
    – GChuf
    Commented Jan 4, 2021 at 13:18
  • i will probably write a small script that will return a random wav from a list and then set that to the registry key associated with the sound has played. this way the new file will be ready to play the next time its needed Commented Jan 4, 2021 at 13:38

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