I have replaced the system disk in a laptop with a new SSD and put a clean install of Windows 10 on the laptop. I have the old harddisk connected ver a converter to a USB port and can see the User Folder. I wish to copy all documents, music, etc over to the correct folders on the new Windows install. Clearly, permissions and windows live backup settings, etc need to be correctly setup. I do not wish to transfer any applications or application settings.

The old harddisk was never connected to windows live and has different account names on the new install.

There must be a better way than doing it by hand…..

1 Answer 1


Unfortunately, there isn't an automatic tool for your case.

In Windows 10, Microsoft has partnered with Laplink to make available the free PCmover Express for transferring selected files, folders, and more from the old Windows PC to a new Windows 10 PC.

Unfortunately, this tool requires having two PCs, the old and new, both booted and connected via the local network or a Laplink transfer cable.

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