Currently trying to loop a stream of audio files loaded from a .txt file:

 #! /bin/bash
        YOUTUBE_URL=" rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2"
        ffmpeg \
         -stream_loop -1 \
         -re \
         -i "$VIDEO_SOURCE" \
         -thread_queue_size 512 \
         -stream_loop -1 \
         -re \
         -f concat -i audiofiles.txt \
         -c:v libx264 -preset $QUAL -r $FPS -g $(($FPS *2)) -b:v $VBR -bufsize 3000k -maxrate $VBR \
         -c:a $AUDIO_ENCODER -ar 44100 -b:a 128k -pix_fmt yuv420p \
         -f flv $YOUTUBE_URL/$YOUTUBE_KEY

The result is that the playlist gets played once and then stops. How can I force the loop?

  • 1) Your command should be giving you error: Unrecognized option 'I'. Change -I to -i. 2) Do all of your inputs listed in audiofiles.txt have the same attributes (format, sample rate, channel layout, number of streams)?
    – llogan
    Commented Nov 28, 2020 at 1:24
  • 1
    1) yes, just fixed 2) yes they are all .mp3 with the same sample rate and they all work well during the streaming test: they will loop if directly inserted in the script and played singularly but play only once if in the .txt list.
    – Claus
    Commented Nov 28, 2020 at 17:30
  • 1
    See Is it possible to create an endless loop using concat?
    – llogan
    Commented Nov 28, 2020 at 18:06
  • That was the key! it works now. Maybe you want to post the last comment as an answer so I accept it and close the question. Thank you so much
    – Claus
    Commented Nov 30, 2020 at 11:46

1 Answer 1


The concat demxuer input text file can refer to itself to create an endless loop.

Example contents of audio.txt:

ffconcat version 1.0
file 'audio1.mp3'
file 'audio2.mp3'
file 'audio.txt'

The header ffconcat version 1.0 is required for this to work.

Simple example command to continuously loop 2 audio files listed in audio.txt and end output duration at the same duration as video.mp4:

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -f concat -i audio.txt -shortest output.mp4

Adapted from Is it possible to create an endless loop using concat?

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