tl;dr: my firewall has stopped getting IP addresses via DHCP for some reason which seems to be related to the MAC address.

Network topology

[Router] - Melbye Raycore RC-CP9
[Router/Firewall] - HP T620+, opnSense
 |    |
 |   [WiFi router] - Netgear R7800
 |     . )
 |     . ) )
 |     . ) ) ) {various devices - Linux, Android and iOS}
[Switch] - 16-port Cisco
 | | |
 | | |
{various devices - Windows, Linux}

The firewall is acting as local DHCP server on the LAN port. The WiFi 'router' is configured in AP mode. There is also a DMZ coming off a third port of the firewall but it has been removed from the equation for now.

Up until a couple days ago everything was working fine.

Initial Troubleshooting

  1. I disconnected the firewall to mount it on a wall closer to the fiber router and to route the cabling more tidily. I had the WiFi router plugged in directly so laptops and mobile devices still have internet connectivity in the meanwhile

  2. I set the firewall up again but now there was no WAN connectivity. The WAN IP address is reported as I tried moving it back to the old location to rule out any weird issues with the ethernet outlet or patching but no improvement.

  3. I backed up my config then followed a few dead-ends with opnSense configuration around things like gateway and DHCP client settings before deciding to just re-install it. No change with default config. I tried booting IPFire incase it was some BSD-specific quirk but I get the same behaviour.

  4. I double-checked all cabling, everything is fine. Tried connecting the WiFi router directly to the fibre router again - it still works but since the WiFi router has its own DHCP server disabled I'm getting public IP addresses for every device that connects to it (37.?.?.?).

  5. I restored the previously working opnSense configuration, reset the fibre router and tried again. Still no connectivity on the WAN side. I tried setting a static IP and gateway based on the one the WiFi router received but still no connectivity. Since the LAN side works I tried reassigning the WAN/LAN ports in case it was some kind of hardware issue with the NIC but the behaviour is the same.

  6. I tried connecting with a desktop directly to the fibre router which has worked previously but now this too cannot get an IP address. When it connects via the WiFi router it works but with a public IP address as mentioned above. Tried with a laptop with ethernet dongle and it too is unable to get a IP, (though I've only been connecting it via WiFi before). I try connecting a small server which was previously in the DMZ directly to the router and it gets an IP address fine, albiet a completely different IP and gateway to what the router was getting.

  7. I've double-checked all cables and replaced a couple which might have been suspect (but were previously working so I'm just clutching at straws). CAT6 and CAT7 S-FTP all the way from fibre router to each node, all working fine.

Minor breakthrough

After a suggestion from @user1686 I looked at the DHCP logs in opnSense and noticed this loop going on (sorted with newest logs first):

Nov 20 22:42:26 dhclient        FAIL
Nov 20 22:42:26 dhclient    47074   No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.
Nov 20 22:42:26 dhclient    47074   No DHCPOFFERS received.
Nov 20 22:42:24 dhclient    47074   DHCPDISCOVER on igb0 to port 67 interval 2
Nov 20 22:42:17 dhclient    47074   DHCPDISCOVER on igb0 to port 67 interval 7
Nov 20 22:42:10 dhclient    47074   DHCPDISCOVER on igb0 to port 67 interval 7
Nov 20 22:41:58 dhclient    47074   DHCPDISCOVER on igb0 to port 67 interval 12
Nov 20 22:41:50 dhclient    47074   DHCPDISCOVER on igb0 to port 67 interval 8
Nov 20 22:41:37 dhclient    47074   DHCPDISCOVER on igb0 to port 67 interval 13

It happens over and over again.

On a whim I try setting a static IP address again from another device but this time also spoofing its IP address. Now it works pretty much immediately:

Nov 20 22:43:30 dhclient    20508   DHCPACK from 5.###.###.###
Nov 20 22:43:29 dhclient    20508   DHCPREQUEST on igb0 to port 67
Nov 20 22:43:29 dhclient    20508   DHCPREQUEST on igb0 to port 67

This made me think maybe the particular NIC MAC is being blocked or ignored for some reason, but when I change the MAC address being spoofed to something random-ish (e.g. change the last AA to BB) it goes back to no DHCPOFFERS. Also I would have expected swapping the WAN/LAN port assignments in point [5] above would have worked if that was the case.

I can remove the static IP address now and it gets an IP address fine as long as the MAC is spoofed but I don't know if that's actually getting an IP address assigned properly or it's only getting an existing lease while it's still valid.

I reset the fibre router again and go through the same steps above in case I skipped over something. I leave the other devices except the firewall disconnected from the fibre router but it doesn't help. This is now nearly 24 hours later so I would expect anything relating to DHCP lease expiry would be a non-issue now.

From point [1] above, I've heard suggestions that there are ISPs which only allow a single device to get an IP on a given network. This doesn't make sense since I've had multiple devices connected directly to the fiber router without issue prior to my current setup.

I'm at a loss for how to most effectively troubleshoot further from here.

  • What OS are the clients running?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Nov 19, 2020 at 13:00
  • Arch Linux, Win10 LTSC, Android 10 and iOS 13. Commented Nov 19, 2020 at 13:14
  • Have you looked at opnSense's DHCP service logs or tried checking with 'tcpdump' whether it even receives the "DISCOVER" and "REQUEST" packets and whether it responds back? Commented Nov 19, 2020 at 14:14
  • @user1686 I've added DHCP logs from the firewall to the question, thanks Commented Nov 20, 2020 at 12:23


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