On a windows 10 20H2 system there is a user AzureID\someuser and it can login with PIN and/or password.

There are two more local accounts (one is 'administrator') on the system and they can't login and I don't know how to change it, even given that I can log in as 'someuser' with admin rights.

In both cases the logon screen asks for email and password or PIN. However, the local users have no email address, so I just enter their names and their password. That won't work. If I switch to PIN, they have no PIN to enter.

How can I set a PIN for a local user (not the logged in user) or how can I set a E-Mail-address for a local user? What's wrong here?

1 Answer 1


If the computer is domain-joined and you wish to login to a local user account, the Welcome Screen has this button: "How do I sign in to another domain".

Clicking this button will bring you to the "Other user" screen where you are prompted for user and password.

If you want to login with a local account, for example Administrator, type in COMPUTER\Administrator in the User name field and type the password, using the local computer's name.

To avoid entering the computer's name, you may type instead .\Administrator.

For more information see the article
How to Login with a Local Windows Account Instead of Domain Account?

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