We use Microsoft Teams. After booting the computer and seeing the Windows desktop, Teams pops up as a normal window after a few seconds delay. This is annoying because you might be typing something as Teams pops up.

The registry setting for launching Teams at startup is defined as follows:

"com.squirrel.Teams.Teams"="C:\\Users\\USER\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Teams\\Update.exe --processStart \"Teams.exe\" --process-start-args \"--system-initiated\""

In Settings > General, I tried Open application in background. After rebooting, Teams now starts completely hidden (not visible on the Taskbar), which is not what I want.

  • Hmmm I also have the setting "open application in background" and I still see Teams in the Taskbar - not sure if you have a real issue here. Maybe it works now? Commented Jan 27, 2021 at 13:59

1 Answer 1


You can deactivate the default Setting "Auto-start application" in your Teams client Settings and create your own shortcut with the Property set to minimize the application that you then put into your Startup folder.

You could also easily do this with an AutoHotkey script. I like to use Workspace.ahk to start up my applications.

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