I'm trying to understand the relation between block size, and partition siz.

Partition size needs to be an integer multiple of a block, so if the page size is 4KB, and each block has 64 pages, the block size == 4KB*64 = 256 KB, but what about the partition size?

If the pagesize is 4KB, is becomes essential to take 256 as a block size?

Not sure if this is a standard but here's the link to an XML file where you specify the partition name and the size (where size is broken down into size_kb and pad_kb.

So if you were to set the partition size to 50M, how would you go about making changes to this XML file? Would you do 50 * 1024KB = 51200 KB where size_kb = 50176 and pad_kb = 1024 which is the rest of the space, and why?

  • Do you have more context – this terminology and question looks like it's very specific to raw NAND flash? (The "block" in particular is unusual for me, since in PCs it is the smallest logical unit of storage, and I would have thought pages would be made out of blocks and not the other way around.) Commented Nov 10, 2020 at 15:37
  • yes it's in the context of a NAND flash. Sorry this is still new to me and i'm trying to understand it
    – xyf
    Commented Nov 10, 2020 at 15:50


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