In Excel 2016, the default border line color is black. Is there a way to change the default to another color?

1 Answer 1


You may change the color of Gridline.
Go to File > Options > Advanced > change the Gridlien color under "Display options for this worksheet".

Then the default color of border line would change as it changes. enter image description here

But if you want to change the default borfer line color of table, you could create a new table style. Select an existing table > Design > Click the right expansion arrow > New Table Style > Choose Whole Table as the element > Check the box of "Set as default table style for this document" > Clikc Format > Set the border line color > Click double OK.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Then if you create a table, it would apply the new style, including the border color.

enter image description here

  • Thank you very much. It seems that default line color cannot be changed, this does give me another option. Commented Nov 6, 2020 at 12:34

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