
can i connect a 1.44MB 3.5" Floppy Drive Connector 34 PIN 34P to USB Adapter to somethign and copy the data, *(rather than connecting a floppy drive and copying to floopy and then transferign it via floppy to another pc?) ie can i emulate a floppy drive and rip?

its an old network device and some one wants to reverce engeneer soem of the GUI, has a ps2 kyb header and can get to post, running dos6, it can output to floppy with on board floppy headers, *(that i need to solder in)

i want to know if i can use a floppy to usb adapter, and emulate a floppy drive to save data, like if i could only use a floppy to usb connector, and attach a female to female usb adapter to a flashdrive, lol ,

but if there was a way i coudl conenct this to windows or a linux distro and "emulate" the floppy drive to save the file and transfer it i would be golden,

*(idk why they want the old emdedded os and structure of an old network tester, but thats the request i got lol )

thank you

something like this

floppy to usb

applying to a device like this

network tester hack

  • 1
    If its DOS it has a FAT file system. If the hard drive/storage is IDE your better off getting a USB to IDE is better choice.
    – cybernard
    Commented Oct 20, 2020 at 17:12

2 Answers 2


Sweet. That helps I feel i might go that route if i can.

If i could bypass the floppy drive part and just import data as floppy over the USB. *(onboard floppy headders to usb and pull it off straght to a file would be perfect. Incase whats on there is more than one floppys size.

Thankyou. I migt try this and see what i get


Sometime ago I bought a floppy drive with a USB connector on it at a local Walmart. It connects fine to an open USB adapter. The computer recognizes it as a floppy drive whether I'm running Windows or Linux and I can either copy or read files from a floppy disk mounted in the drive.

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