I need to convert thousands of DDS images to PNG format in Linux, preferably in command line.

Is there any program available for such task?

1 Answer 1


ImageMagick reads but doesn't write DDS. And of course it reads and writes PNG.

From identify -list format:

DDS* DDS r-- Microsoft DirectDraw Surface
PNG* PNG rw- Portable Network Graphics (libpng 1.2.37)

To convert a file (leaving the original intact):

convert test.dds test.png

To convert a directory full:

for file in *.dds
    convert "$file" "$(basename "$file" .dds).png"
  • 2
    Latest version of ImageMagick (6.8.7-4) writes DDS files as well Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 23:13

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