My host os: ubuntu 16.4 I have installed pfSense in virtual box. My Network setting in vb is:

adapter1: bridge adapter
name: wlx20...
advance setting: promisc. mode: deny, cable connected: tick
adapter2: internal network , name: intnet
advance setting: same as above.

pfSense is installed and I am seeing

wan  em0  v4/dhcp 192....
          v6/dhcp  fd..

lan em1

but when I hit on host browser , I get nothing. I read the virtual box documentation of network mode , but got nothing helpful. One answer saying to change to host-only, but it is not done by youtube instructor. can someone help in describing what may be the issue. I am a web developer and new to networking .

Can the problem may be with wifi adapter, I am using local wifi receiver and instructor said to use intel wifi adapter.

1 Answer 1


I fiqured it out.

In virtual box I installed ubuntu also and set it as intenal network. so pfsense can ping ubuntu and ubuntu can ping pfsense. and webgui is opened.

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