I'm running Linux Mint on a VM. I've previously worked on Ubuntu 20.04 WSL and I liked the feature where if you didn't have a program installed but if that existed in the repository, you would be prompted to install it. Just as an example:


Command 'zathura' not found, but can be installed with:

sudo apt install zathura

I dont get this prompt in Linux Mint. It simply says :

bash: zathura: command not found

Now i could just do an apt search ... but that's an additional step. Is there some way I could get this in Mint? My guess is to make a separate script or to put something in my .bashrc but i cannot figure out what. Any help is appreciated.

1 Answer 1


From: https://askubuntu.com/questions/821637/how-to-show-apt-get-install-suggestions-in-command-line

The package responsible for verbose and more helpful "command not found" messages is command-not-found.

Install it by running

sudo apt-get install command-not-found

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