I have a markdown file (call it testfile.md) that I have created in Typora. When I export it to PDF from Typora it calls on Pandoc behind the scenes and the file is successfully created. However, when I attempt the conversion from Powershell I get a very pedantic sounding error message notifying that the desired PDF has not been created. Example:

Error producing PDF.
! Missing { inserted.
<to be read again>

Why is it that Pandoc is so intolerant of errors when executed in isolation (from PowerShell) in comparison to when it is executed from Pandoc? Is there a way to get Pandoc to ignore errors like these or to auto-correct them? For reference one of the commands I have tried is pandoc testfile.md -o testfile.pdf although all the others have so far yielded similar results.

  • What Pandoc command are you running in Powershell? Could you perhaps add it to the question? And is there a way to see what Pandoc command, including all options and flags, is run by Typora? Commented Aug 13, 2020 at 22:30
  • I have added one of the commands I have tried in PowerShell. Unfortunately I know of no way to see that commands that Typora is using... Commented Aug 13, 2020 at 22:54
  • Perhaps the logs of Typora contain the pandoc command it uses? Also, pandoc has many options, perhaps you are not specifying the right pdf-engine for example? Commented Aug 13, 2020 at 22:58


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