A question for general understanding: In VirtualBox Version 6.1.6 (on antiX Linux (based on debian)) shared folders for WinXP (as a Guest-VM) appearing in the Windows Network in the file manager without the need for installing any additional software.

Unlike in a Linux Guest VM, there is nothing, not even if I define a mount point /media/share for the folder in the VBox Properties of the regarding shared folder for the VM. Why? How to fix it.?

  • Did you install guest additions in Linux guest? is the module vboxsf loaded (see with lsmod)? Have you tried to mount it manually (mount -t vboxsf shared /mnt)? Commented Aug 2, 2020 at 17:54
  • I din't install guest additions yet as it was not necessary for Win-XP. Obvisously for Linux VM's it is, will try.
    – Asklep
    Commented Aug 3, 2020 at 6:30


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