I would like to erase a SSD under Fedora 32 using nvme utility and I get this message : "LBA Format specified is not supported".

nvme --version

nvme version 1.10.1

nvme list

Node : /dev/nvme0n1

Namespace : 1

Format : 512 B + 0 B

sudo nvme id-ctrl /dev/nvme0n1 -H

fna : 0

[2:2] : 0 Crypto Erase Not Supported as part of Secure Erase

[1:1] : 0 Crypto Erase Applies to Single Namespace(s)

[0:0] : 0 bFormat Applies to Single Namespace(s)

sudo nvme format -s1 /dev/nvme0n1

You are about to format nvme0n1, namespace 0x1.

Namespace nvme0n1 has parent controller(s):nvme0

WARNING: Format may irrevocably delete this device's data.

You have 10 seconds to press Ctrl-C to cancel this operation.

Use the force [--force|-f] option to suppress this warning.

Sending format operation ...

NVMe status: INVALID_FORMAT: The LBA Format specified is not supported. This may be due to various conditions(0x10a)

I tried to add the -lb=0 option as mentioned in the comments here but I got the same message.

Could you please help me to find out what's going wrong ? Thank you.

1 Answer 1


Finally I found the solution here :

"I put the computer to sleep and then, after resume, the lock was released and the format command was ok."

Thanks for reading.

  • "the suspend trick did not work" I tried systemctl suspend (ubuntu) and it worked. thanks
    – Mr. Doge
    Commented Feb 27, 2021 at 1:14

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