I think I read somewhere that Dell was creating a wireless laptop charger but I haven't heard anything about it in the consumer market. Is this something that will be available in the next year? Are there other options?


1 Answer 1


Dell is releasing a wireless business laptop that charges wirelessly, the Dell Latitude Z. See

Tech Radar's article


Dell's Product Guide Details

It works with a dock that the laptop has to be on or near to charge wirelessly...it is expensive, around $1,800 and up! To answer your question, in theory it is open to the consumer market, but only for this laptop, and those with a lot of $$$ and price range...

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  • Thanks, looks like I'll be waiting a few more years for something more available and affordable.
    – Gabe
    Commented Jun 28, 2010 at 1:34
  • yup...meanwhile, they have wireless charging for the iPhone/iPod Touch... and a few other small devices... :)
    – studiohack
    Commented Jun 28, 2010 at 3:31

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