I have two samba shares on a remote server (Debian 10, stable) on my home network. On my laptop (Debian 10 stable), I would like to automatically mount these shares to my local filesystem tree. To this end, I added these lines to my fstab file:

//cherver/sambaDocs /home/maquinisto/sambaDocs  cifs    credentials=/home/maquinisto/.smbcreds,user,rw  0 0
//cherver/sambaEtc  /home/maquinisto/sambaEtc   cifs    credentials=/home/maquinisto/.smbcreds,user,rw  0 0

My problem is that when fstab is read at boot or with sudo mount -a, the mount points change ownership to root, and I cannot write files there as a normal user. How do I mount these shares to my laptop system without the mount points changing owner to root?

1 Answer 1


mount.cifs allows the options uid and gid to specify the user, who "owns" the file system.

In you case the options (credentials=/home/maquinisto/.smbcreds,user,rw) would need to be extended to include uid=xxxx and if you so wish gid=yyyy

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