logo with transparent interior and background

I have the blue background offset so you can see the logo in transparent. Essentially I want the inside of the wheel and text to be blue, but I do not want any of the blue on the outside of the logo.

I am not a graphic artist so I did some research and started to tinker with creating a blue square for the background and sending it to the back. Then I tinkered with the pathfinder as well as clipping masks to get the desired effect. No go. Again, I am very amateur so any advice on how to do this is welcome. I feel for someone who knows what they are doing that this would b e an easy task.

The image below is what I am going for except I would like the blue inside the triangular sections inside the wheel as well.

desired outcome


1 Answer 1


I'm sorry if I've missed something (I work in Raster illustration programs way more often then I do in Vector design ones), but what is stopping you from simply placing a layer below everything, using the magic wand tool (or something equivalent) to select the triangle section, and filling the selection with blue?

That's how I would do it.

  • The triangular areas are not anything but artboard and cannot be selected. Commented Jul 14, 2020 at 4:31

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