After installing a Nvidia driver, I cannot access my Ubuntu 18.04 GUI anymore. Now, it seems as I have only access to the recovery mode.

I required to update my CUDA version and I, probably, purged one module too many.

In the beginning, neither my keyboard nor my mouse was working and I used another Linux kernel to login. Then, I have seen that my GPU was not recognized and I decided to reinstall NVIDIA and CUDA drivers (downloading the .run files and executing them with sudo sh ./file.run. This has now wrecked my access to the OS.

Booting my system gives me the following text (N,M,L,K and X are placeholders for numbers):

Warning: Failed to connecct to lvmetad; Falling back to device scanning
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root: clean, N/M files, L/K blocks
[ X] nvidia-gpu 0000:07:00:3: i2c timeout error e000000

Using in the recovery mode,sudo apt install commands or the dpkg Repair broken packages throw Failed to fetch errors. I have also tried sudo apt purge nvidia*, without success.

How can I install or access a GUI again? How would it be possible to connect to one of the repositories to install packages?

1 Answer 1


It migjt be useful to include more info in your question. How did you install the drivers? What kernels are you using, how did you install them?

You should try to purge all nvidia- related software (drivers & CUDA) by running sudo apt purge nvidia*. After that, you should be able to login to GUI even if you dont have the appropriate drivers. You can then try to install nvidia drivers again - I recommend downloading the official cuda.deb package on nvidia website and installing it with dpkg -i.

  • I have tried that already, I think the purge command finally demolished the access to the gui. I have updated my question, but if there is still something missing, I'll add it gladly!
    – skna.1000
    Commented Jul 11, 2020 at 23:38
  • Did you uninstall anything else when purging nvidia? Kernels might also be the problem here.
    – GChuf
    Commented Jul 13, 2020 at 13:08
  • Not that I am aware of. In the meanwhile, I saved my files and re-installed ubuntu. Thanks anyways for your help!
    – skna.1000
    Commented Jul 18, 2020 at 15:52

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