So I'm quite perplexed by this... I used the basic technique of going to network and sharing center, going to ethernet properties selecting Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/ipv4) and selecting an ip address for myself which is in the range of IPs on my router page.

So I checked ipconfig and got this and this page and thought I was done, but when I checked in game and also through another software it showed my computer's ip address to be instead of

Also my router has this special page that says it can set a static ip but didn't help

I'm using a Dlink DIR-825ACG1 as my home router

  • 1
    looks like you are either confusing your local NIC with a virtual box nic, or you are confused about how nat connections work in VBox. vbox NAT networks are on a seperate (virtual) network than you host lan network. if you want the virtualbox VM to operate on the same network as your host or other LAN hosts, use a bridged connection in vbox (edit the vm settings -> network interface) and it will pull an IP from your LAN DHCP server, and be accessible to all your lan hosts. Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 10:34
  • 1
    This worked! I deleted my VM application and it deleted the Virtual box nic Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 13:34


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