I am trying to develop a better understanding of how luks [auto]decrypting and fs [auto]mounting operate under systemD, based on observations as I work through some issues setting up a replacement devbox; vanilla ubuntu 20.04, and relevant to this question has an (existing) btrfs disk array; 3 hdd's in raid1.

I noticed the following unit

mnt-data\x2darray.mount loaded active mounted /mnt/data-array

I have the following crypttab and fstab entries:

data_array_disk1 /dev/disk/by-uuid/[uuid] /[keyfile]

/dev/mapper/data_array_disk1 /mnt/data-array defaults,subvol=/ 0 2

I can see from the systemd.mount manpage how the mnt-data.* name is likely formed, but the manpage (and google) have nothing for x2darray.mount The name sounds like it may be related to creating one mountpoint from an array of disks ... but nothing piques the curiosity like zero google results.

What is this x2darray.mount?

1 Answer 1


well, sometimes posting the question clarifies things ...

\ != / obviously, but I misread the slash.

\x2d == - encoded.

So, nevermind, data\x2darray is just data-array :)

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