I have a VPN connection between two servers that I want to use to allow one to connect to the other's ports and use IPtables Prerouting to make it accessible from the other server. I do not want any normal traffic to be send over the VPN (Web, Mail, Generic).

The command I am using for IPtables is

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d myserver.com -p tcp --dport 3240 -j DNAT --to-dest

where is a static IP for the server using OpenVPN.

My OPENVPN client conf is

dev tun
remote-cert-tls server

remote myserver.com 1194 udp
key-direction 1
redirect-gateway def1

The issue is that when I add the redirect-gateway option at the bottom, all normal internet traffic is being sent across the VPN, which is not what I want. When I remove it, I lose the ability to use IPTables NAT for that server, I am not sure why this is the case because I am still able to connect with nc 3240, but IPTables is unable to forward the connection and I cannot find a location to get error logs for this.


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