I am trying to install Debian from a Live USB. I got my ISO image from here, and the one I got is "Debian-live-10.4.0-amd64-xfce+nonfree.iso".

I used balenaEtcher to create the live USB.

I rebooted my computer and fired up the live USB. I first noticed something was off when I was in the installer and clicked the option "Debian GNU/Linux Live (kernel 4.19.0-9-amd64)", and the screen freezes up for a moment then I get these error messages:

Unable to bind the codec
failed to load firmware chunk
iwlwifi transaction failed, dumping registers
could not load the [0] uCode section
Failed to start INIT uCode -110
Failing on timeout while stopping DMA channel
Failed to run INIT ucode -110

After this I get a black screen with just one white dash and am forced to reboot my computer. Well I thought OK, that's fine; I'll just use the graphical installer. I went through the process, and I was able to successfully install. I chose the option to use entire disk for partitioning by the way. When I booted up my computer at this point I was put at the Debian home screen where I have three options being "Debian GNU/Linux", "Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux", and "System setup." When I click the first option I get end up with a screen that has the exact same error messages that I listed prior.

My computer is a System 76 Darter Pro.

I tried using the graphical installer three different times but the last time has made it so when I turn on my computer I just get a grey screen. I am still able to go to the firmware boot and fire up the live USB.

All I have at this point is the live USB stick and a MacBook. What are my options? Is it possible to make a bootable USB from my Mac? The USB currently is not readable on my Mac, and this is the only USB I have at the moment.

Edit: I no longer have access to the Live USB as I have gone ahead and tried to get a new ISO file from my Mac and erased it.

Edit2: I was able to successfully install Xubuntu, by download Xubuntu's ISO file and checking for download errors, then making a LiveUSB with Etcher and installing it.


1 Answer 1


The test, of creating a Xubuntu LiveUSB following Ubuntu's steps outlined in the question shows the USB flash drive is not faulty, and your copy of Etcher is OK.

That leaves the downloaded ISO file as the likely cause; either a faulty download, a one-time defect in creating the Debian LiveUSB, or choosing the wrong options during its installation.

Please redownload the Debian ISO and verify it per https://www.debian.org/CD/verify then perform another installation from the LiveUSB you create with Etcher.

  • I continue to be unable to install Debian. I have verified two different CD's, and have attempted to install multiple different desktop environments. I have now failed with over 10 versions of Debian (all 10.4 though). I watched an installation tutorial by somebody using a System 76 laptop, though I do not know what laptop version he has, and he was installing Debian 10.0. I have tried to download versions that do not include non-free software. I have tried using UNetBootin instead of Etcher. The issue that I have is the exact same each time, matching the one outlined in this post.
    – LeapyNick
    Commented May 21, 2020 at 14:12
  • Then, report as bug to Debian team, and reach out to System76 to ask them about it.
    – K7AAY
    Commented May 21, 2020 at 15:19
  • Will do. Im going to the store to purchase a different USB. Quite strange.
    – LeapyNick
    Commented May 21, 2020 at 15:22

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