Long story short, my dad has installed some parental protection software that I don't want running. It's easy enough to go to Task Manager and end task, but because the process starts up every time the computer is turned on, and I often forget to turn it off. I want to automate this by basically creating a .bat script that will kill the process(es) and assign it to Task Scheduler and make it run on start up, or make it run once a day or something. But whenever I try to kill the task via Command Line or through a .bat file, I get the "Access Denied" error. E.g. taskkill /IM <name.exe> /T /F as well as wmic process where "name='<name.exe>'" delete. I'm an administrator on the computer and I've tried running Command Prompt as administrator, no change. Any ideas on how to fix this?

  • if you redirect tasklsit to a log file before running the kill command, are you able to verify that the process exists at that time? Access is Denied/Error 5/0x80000005 errors are often not about access at all. Commented May 16, 2020 at 2:52
  • Are you sure you running the command line as admin? Commented May 16, 2020 at 4:38


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