After 7 years of using windows 7 i decided to reinstall because it slowed down considerably. Used Rufus to create a USB using the ISO that i used to install it in 2013. But now when i try to boot through the USB i get the following screen:

enter image description here

Why is that?

Additional info: I have Xubuntu in another partition in the same drive (Installed this year). GRUB 2 as the bootloader. Maybe that's the issue? ASUS motherboard.

2 Answers 2


It looks like a problem with the image on USB. Please make sure you are using newest version of Rufus, however I found it not very reliable so I moved on to Etcher recently: Balena Etcher

Xubuntu shouldn't be an issue, however the GRUB would be most likely overwritten, so after installing windows, you would need to start Xubuntu from recovery media to re-install GRUB. otherwise you will no longer be able to start Xubuntu. You would also need to update GRUB with the information where it should look for windows.

Windows 7 is no longer supported, do you know that you can still upgrade it to windows 10 for free?

  • 1
    Etcher corrupted my flash drive so i don't use it. Also i don't like windows 10 and will use 7 until Microsoft comes up with something good like 7 again.
    – Gyugas
    Commented May 6, 2020 at 14:45
  • @Gyugas what I suspect is that the flash drive was already failing, hence the failure to start windows installer properly
    – domaniqs
    Commented May 6, 2020 at 14:57
  • nope the flash drive works when transferring files. Etcher made it unrecognizable by windows so i had to do some console procedures to restore it.
    – Gyugas
    Commented May 6, 2020 at 15:10
  • @Gyugas did you try to use rufus to create bootable image on another flash drive?
    – domaniqs
    Commented May 6, 2020 at 15:57
  • Yes the problem was with the flash drive. Thanks.
    – Gyugas
    Commented May 8, 2020 at 14:22

I get the feeling that you have two issues:

  1. Your display cannot handle basic graphics modes.
  2. You created a UEFI targeted bootable drive in Rufus instead of creating a BIOS/Legacy one.

No idea how you can ago around fixing the first issue, but for the second one, you may want to read this and recreate your USB in Rufus after making sure Target system is set to BIOS or UEFI-CSM.

Incidentally, I'm pretty sure that, if your monitor could show it, it would display a message that tells you that you are trying to boot a UEFI-only bootable drive in BIOS/Legacy mode, and that you need to recreate it to target BIOS/Legacy in Rufus so that it works.

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