I have recently started experiencing a weird bug with excel, for some reason it has stopped sorting columns. It does not matter the way I try to sort, it just does not do it, however, filtering does work.

I have been googling for over an hour but the issues I found do not seem to be similar to mine, and I have tried sorting in any simple way I know:

  • HOME > Sort
  • DATA > Sort
  • Selecting the column > right click > sort
  • Making a table from a range > click on the filter > sort

Note that this happens in a blank new spreadsheet with manually entered data, no files downloaded from the internet or generated from any other software. I went as far as re-installing Office without success. Nevertheless, if any of the explanations above are unclear, you can appreciate in the following gif my issue.

Window Recording - Excel

If any of you have any pearls of wisdom, I would really appreciate it.

  • Please don't link to a video to explain your issue. Questions need to be self-contained so edit and describe your problem with words.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 14:37
  • I have taken your recommendation, however, I do not know how "it does not sort in any way I try" is not clear. If I added the gif, it was simply to show, from a blank new file, that many of the solutions that could be given (as per my research on Google) may not apply.
    – EOZyo
    Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 14:47
  • What if you save the file and reopen? Is Custom Sort working?
    – patkim
    Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 17:01
  • @patkim nop, it made no difference :(
    – EOZyo
    Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 21:55
  • 1
    Try starting Excel in safe mode and see if that makes a difference. If it does, there's an add-in that's causing the issue. Commented Apr 25, 2020 at 0:50

2 Answers 2


For me, removing my user account from the PC and recreating a new one solved the problem. I also had the situation that everything worked in safe mode and I tried a few re-installations but I had no success. Removing my account helped.


I had the same issue with Excel 365 on Windows 10 and I was able to sidestep this issue by wiping out Office installation completely - firstly with the official office extermination tool from this guide, than cleaning up remainings manually according to this guide. I haven't verified it, but I believe that HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office registry subtree is the real crux and it's removal before the reinstallation was what finally fixed it for me without the need to recreate the account.

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