Sometimes, I select an item, hit Ctrl+C, browse to a folder, hit Ctrl+V, but no item is copied to the folder or some other item is copied to the folder (eg from a previous select + Ctrl+C).

For example, while migrating all my apps to repositories, I selected an app's v0.1 folder, hit Ctrl+C, browsed to the trunk folder, and hit Ctrl+V, but then nothing happened. Or I selected an app's v0.2 folder, hit Ctrl+C, browsed to trunk folder, hit Ctrl+V, and then v0.1 was copied to the trunk folder.

What is going on? How to solve?

  • As a follow up comment community.winsupersite.com/blogs/paul/archive/2010/05/06/… Commented Jun 18, 2010 at 23:42
  • I've had similar problems in Windows. Usually though, it's due to trying to copy a large image and not giving the OS enough time to process it before hitting paste in an application. I'm not sure why this is happening to you though, as I'm 99% sure files/folders aren't copied the same way that Photoshop copies images. Does this happen when copying small files? I would just use cp to copy from the terminal. Commented Jun 19, 2010 at 0:51
  • 2
    thanks for clarifying and focusing your question, that's much better. reopening. i've also edited the post for grammar and to add whitespace and formatting for readability (paragraphs rock). Commented Jun 19, 2010 at 17:07

1 Answer 1


nothing happened & later v0.1 was copied to the trunk folder indicates that the copy is successful but delayed. I'm just sharing a tool that has been useful to me up until today : Teracopy

Recalling what I understand technically from Teracopy documentation (a looong time ago..), (behind the scene) a file handlers 'DO' the copy-pasting, when we hit the Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V, and Explorer will update itself much-much later (much later than typing dir in cmd).

Although Teracopy key features is to resume interrupted transfer. In ur case u may have a chance to actually observe what actually happens when Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V is pressed. I suspect, it can be 2 issues :

  1. the (windows built in) handlers doesn't do the job right.
  2. Or one/both of the volume/disk have a very slow transfer rate.

However, this is my recommended solution (for u to try) : Install Teracopy.

Please share if it works/understandable/not. ( :

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